Author/s Silvia Zaccaria
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/4
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 115-122 File size 101 KB
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Ambiente e diritti. Logiche indigene e sogni del Bianco - The United Nations Universal Declaration signed in September 2007, even if recognizing Indigenous Peoples Human Rights, is still ethnocentrically biased. Elusive concepts such as sustainable development, prior and informed consultation do not guarantee the deep comprehension and full respect of the indigenous ways of life. If not considered in the light of the logics i.e. cosmologies and local contexts, these concepts risk to simply represent the White Man’s dreams, behind which stand new politics of exclusion, exploitation and violation of indigenous rights.
Silvia Zaccaria, Ambiente e diritti. Logiche indigene e sogni del Bianco in "CULTURE DELLA SOSTENIBILITA '" 4/2008, pp 115-122, DOI: