Alimentazione, famiglia e stili di vita

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Luigi Frudà
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/3
Language Italian Pages 39 P. 19-57 File size 3566 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2009-003003
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Alimentazione, famiglia e stili di vita - By a detailed analysis of derived (secondary) data, in his essay Frudà demonstrates that both individuals’ and collective new modalities of alimentary styles and food consumption assumed as a whole, as well as the individuals’ and social indentity’s values there with related, have changed because of a structural retuning of social and demographic nature; and that such a reset has produced the most directly discernible outcome that the family has progressively lost its central role as the organizer of the day by day collective behaviours and of the group’s identity processes. The social and anthropological thought concerns the circumstance that the daily life turns out to be increasingly an extraordinary and fragmentized frame and, similiarly, that the conventional social representations focussed on the way of being of the families meant as a social and collective expressionof the every day nature have changed. Divergently, simbolic value of the collective dimension, which is not anymore a day after day matter, gets strenghtened as long as it amounts to an odd event: also, it leads to further symbolic and representational significances able to permeate, in a shared shape, lifes’ tracks. In this context, it appears as effective as never more the "glocal" concept in connection with food and alimentary cultures.

Key-words: food, life-style, glocalization, family, simbolic value, sociology.

Parole-chiave: cibo, stile di vita, glocalizzazione, famiglia, valore simbolico, sociologia.

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Luigi Frudà, Alimentazione, famiglia e stili di vita in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3/2009, pp 19-57, DOI: 10.3280/SES2009-003003