Projects and ways of living together: the psychosocial perspective

Author/s Laura Migliorini
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/2
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 57-68 File size 426 KB
DOI 10.3280/RPR2011-002005
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Family, in a psycho-social perspective, can be considered challenged in epistemic sense: by its nature it is compared with the contexts of change, with the ability to adapt to life events that are varied and numerous. The family may be regarded as a "project" that turns to unify different situations, sometimes contradictory, going to define family "paths" increasingly differentiated and difficult to predict. These pathways may be dependent on life events not selected that people suffer all the consequences, or from events strongly desired that bring people to possible happiness or unhappiness. The author outlines a scenario that includes the varied strategies of coexistence in which family meanings can be very different; along with a "liquid" love and society, the family no longer seems able to hold its form. The construction of its boundaries and relevant meanings, through the current multiplicity of family forms which each of us can experience simultaneously, is the main challenge relates to the ability of each to build and maintain links.

Keywords: Psychosocial perspective, family transition, family ties, family changes, atypical family, parenthood

Laura Migliorini, Progetti e percorsi del vivere insieme: la prospettiva psicosociale in "RICERCA PSICOANALITICA" 2/2011, pp 57-68, DOI: 10.3280/RPR2011-002005