The game of silence: the family secret as a barrier to the marriage and parental functions

Author/s Antonella Giancaterini, Claudia Di Gregorio Zitella, Alessandro Celli
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/33
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 95-103 File size 283 KB
DOI 10.3280/PR2011-033007
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This work analyses the effects of the secrets on the family’s functioning and the consequences on the marriage and parental sphere. We will analyze the connection between secret and family myth and the aspects about their protective and defensive functions of the family members’ identities. Concerning the marriage and parental sphere, hypothesis about the effects of the secret on the definition of the relation between individuals and about the pathogenic nature of this family relationship style will be presented. Finally, we will focus on the therapist, both as a changing factor with respect to the secret disclosure and as a support to the family in the connection of the "time".

Keywords: Secret, family myth, extra-therapeutic communications, family’s relational style, genogram

Antonella Giancaterini, Claudia Di Gregorio Zitella, Alessandro Celli, Il gioco del silenzio: il segreto familiare come ostacolo alle funzioni coniugali e genitoriali in "RIVISTA DI PSICOTERAPIA RELAZIONALE " 33/2011, pp 95-103, DOI: 10.3280/PR2011-033007