Young people, university education and work: a research in northern-eastern Italy

Author/s Giorgio Gosetti
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/124
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 205-224 File size 912 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2011-124011
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The relationship between work and university education has been studied for a long time from different perspectives. The present paper proposes a series of considerations focused on cultural sides of work, on reflections of university students about work relevance, about actual changes in work’s word and about their perspectives of engagement. These reflexions’ pretext is given by the results of a research carried out in a University in the North-East of Italy, involving a sample of students from different courses and faculties. This research’s results presentation is preceded by some theorical framework elements and by a few data from other national surveys.

Keywords: Young people, university students, work culture, work meanings

Giorgio Gosetti, Giovani, alta formazione e lavoro: una ricerca in un’area del Nord-Est in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 124/2011, pp 205-224, DOI: 10.3280/SL2011-124011