Critical continuity and restoration of the modern

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Pierfranco Galliani. A cura di Maria Antonietta Crippa
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/62
Language Italian Pages 1 P. 67-67 File size 114 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-062013
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The international framework highlights the complexity of the issues which modern restoration raises over the varied quality production of the 20th century, underlining its specificities, the variety and the vastness of its sources and the design and technological implications posed by continued use. The papers which follow lie on the borderline of the dialogue between designers and restorers, reflecting on the history of the modern, on the relationship between the ‘critical continuity’ of the modern and its internal organisation and on co-operation between architectural conservation and the transformation of contemporary contexts, within the issues of memory and identity which architecture involves, even in restoration projects which do not exclude modifications. The different orientations highlight the increased attention paid to a past that is still present as a physical fact and in everyday use.

Keywords: 20th century, history, design

Pierfranco Galliani. A cura di Maria Antonietta Crippa, Continuità critica e restauro del moderno in "TERRITORIO" 62/2012, pp 67-67, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-062013