The family-work balance: how to turn it into a virtuous relationship for families and society?

Author/s Giovanna Rossi
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2012/Suppl. 3
Language English Pages 24 P. 51-74 File size 342 KB
DOI 10.3280/SP2012-SU3004
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The subject of this essay is to verify empirically whether, and under which conditions, the work-family relationship -- as it is actually experienced in everyday life - can be considered "good" and turn the family into a resource for itself and society. This goal first requires framing such relationship within the identity process at a personal, couple, intergenerational and social level. Any form of reconciliation involves primarily a reflexive and dialogic process of the person and the couple: if decisions are shared within the family and connected with the possibility of relating to other subjects (primary and secondary networks), the family can be a source of wellbeing for its own members and for society.

Keywords: Family, Work, Reconciliation, Society, Identity

Giovanna Rossi, The family-work balance: how to turn it into a virtuous relationship for families and society? in "SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI" Suppl. 3/2012, pp 51-74, DOI: 10.3280/SP2012-SU3004