Mercati globali illegali

Journal title PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro
Author/s Antonio Pergolizzi
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2012/2
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 158-179 File size 539 KB
DOI 10.3280/PRI2012-002013
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Illegal markets of waste, counterfeit goods and animals have now reached a global dimension, representing one of the most critical - and at the same time one of the less known - aspects of trade globalization. Legal and illegal routes, which sometimes are two sides of the same coin, mix and overlap, growing at the speed of light: this is one of the most typical aspect of the so called "globalization in black". The border between the legal and the illegal economy is smaller and smaller. Licit and illicit activities seem to merge in the same "grey zone" because of the widespread corruption in the public administration. In the last two years the Italian law enforcement have concluded at least 163 international investigations involving Italy for illegal trafficking of waste, counterfeit goods and animals. Trades that have moved mainly on the sea, especially for heavy loads and long distances. It is here according to the European Commission that moves 81% of world trade

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Antonio Pergolizzi, Mercati globali illegali in "PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro" 2/2012, pp 158-179, DOI: 10.3280/PRI2012-002013