A group, just like a journey, the story of a walk

Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Daniela Marcucci, Paola Pedrotti, Ingrid Hugnet, Gemma Bolognini, Bruno Chipi
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2012/3
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 79-92 File size 200 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2012-003006
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The paper illustrates the experience of "short-term" group psychotherapy in a Mental Health Center. It is described by the emotions that have passed through the group or, as Foulkes would say, «the group in its entirety, including its conductor». The main aim consists in entrusting something new or "re-discovered" to each participant, something that could trigger desire for departure. Since psychotherapy has generally called up the idea of traveling, this brief experience begins with the purpose of taking "a short walk" through psychoemotional maps. The peculiarity of the described approach is the focus on sharing group experiences. Phenomenology has found application in group therapy, and this experience is combined with other experiences.

Keywords: Group, phenomenology, "short-term" group, journey, experience, emotions.

Daniela Marcucci, Paola Pedrotti, Ingrid Hugnet, Gemma Bolognini, Bruno Chipi, Un gruppo "lungo" un viaggio, racconto di una passeggiata in "GRUPPI" 3/2012, pp 79-92, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2012-003006