Cinema and human sciences. Intersubjectivity and the emerging level in the close horizon of postmodernism

Author/s Caterina Selavggi
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/3
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 167-178 File size 125 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2013-003011
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The Author focuses on the importance of the intersubjective elements in the cinema Director’s capacity in creating film situations in which behaviors themselves express intersubjective implications. Cinema Directors such as Gianni Amelio and Matteo Garrone are example of what Daniel Stern called "Now moments", phenomena of shared consciousness and experience, in which not only the words, but the global bodily perception becomes a way for intersubjectivity. This encourages the "emerging level", considered as the experience of arising novelties, which is crucial in all the current researches about mind functioning, including the neuroscientific ones (see the "mirror neurons" discovered by Rizzolatti and Gallese). All these considerations give value to the epistemology of complexity with particular reference to Gregory Bateson’s work. Even postmodern cinema directors (Tarantino) are great exemples of Prigogine’s systemic instability.

Keywords: Cinema; Intersubjectivity; Relations; Complexity; Non-Verbal Communication; Mirror-Neurons.

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Caterina Selavggi, Cinema e scienze umane. L’intersoggettività: il livello emergente nell’orizzonte chiuso postmoderno in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 3/2013, pp 167-178, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2013-003011