Analisi comparata dei modelli di gestione dei sinistri in sanità. Prime evidenze empiriche sui costi dei sinistri

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Milena Vainieri, Elisabetta Flore, Riccardo Tartaglia, Tommaso Bellandi
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2014/92
Language Italian Pages 27 P. 27-53 File size 1334 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2014-092003
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In the last twenty years there has been a significant increase in the number of claims for damages related to healthcare and in the amount paid for these types of claims, that recently seem to have stabilized; rising costs have led to imbalances in the insurance market, with consequent increases in premiums and the application of increasingly high deductibles, such that various Italian health authorities have shown the need to experiment new ways of managing risk also with regard to the direct assessment and payment of claims for damages related to medical liability, with their own resources. This article outlines the evolution that has had the management of claims related to medical liability, with initial assessments of the economic impact of the different models applied in the Country.

Keywords: Claims management in healthcare, personal damages compensation in healthcare, insurance, auto-insurance/ direct management, healthcare insurance costs, compensation costs in healthcare

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Milena Vainieri, Elisabetta Flore, Riccardo Tartaglia, Tommaso Bellandi, Analisi comparata dei modelli di gestione dei sinistri in sanità. Prime evidenze empiriche sui costi dei sinistri in "MECOSAN" 92/2014, pp 27-53, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2014-092003