Mirroring processes in human development, education and psychotherapy

Author/s Daniela Mario
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/2
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 243-274 File size 141 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2015-002005
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Recent advances in different disciplines (neurosciences, quantum physics, biology, philosophy, etc.) highlight the "relational" aspect both at the infinitely large and the infinitely small levels. In particular, the mirror neurons discovery contributed to clarify the sub-personal (neural) mechanisms that underlie the relational and embodied aspects of human nature. Mirroring processes in human development, education and psychotherapy are examined, i.e., where these processes are implied both intentionally and automatically in a pre-reflexive way. A "good mirroring" implies the "intentional attunement", understood as a consequence of the "mirroring field" created between the two poles of the relationship. These two poles resonate with each other with sequences of goal directed inter/actions and intentional use of metaphorical processes which are intrinsic to the nature of language and cognition.

Keywords: Mirror neurons, embodied simulation, intentional attunement, cognitive metaphor, mirroring fields

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