Towards a "Thomasian" Formal Ontology: The Causal Strict Counter-Implication

Author/s Francesco Panizzoli
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/1
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 47-67 File size 141 KB
DOI 10.3280/EPIS2015-001004
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We propose an "ontic" interpretation of the modal scheme KD45. "Ontic" stands for physics and metaphysics causal interpretation of the accessibility relation among worlds. KD45, with its transitivity, riflessivity and symmetry secondary properties, effectively expresses and translate the "foundational" structure of Thomas Aquino’s metaphysics of participation, in its dynamic feature which is causality. We also define the causal strict counter-implication in order to formalize the real effect-cause relation, and trough it we propose: 1- an axiom of foundation, which: a) hold the to be being (ens) to the to have being by a "to be-giver"; b) "builds up" the universe of beings; c) gives a inclusion condition in this universe different from the usual auto-identity condition . 2- an axiom of secondary causality, which formalizes the possibility condition of causation among being. 3- an axiom of kind, which formalizes a causal inclusion condition in a kind.

Keywords: Formal Ontology, KD45, esse ut actus, causality, analogy, implication, axiom of foundation.

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Francesco Panizzoli, Verso una ontologia formale "tommasiana": la contro-implicazione stretta causale in "EPISTEMOLOGIA" 1/2015, pp 47-67, DOI: 10.3280/EPIS2015-001004