Technological innovation and marketing. a multi-perspective analysis

Author/s Nicoletta Buratti, Riccardo Lanzara, Michele Simoni
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/1
Language English Pages 26 P. 19-44 File size 198 KB
DOI 10.3280/MC2016-001003
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How can we develop new products, services, and systems that are able to satisfy the needs of firms potential customers not yet emerged? How should we rethink technology innovation processes under the requirements of value co-creation? How can we foster innovation through effective links between marketing and R&D departments, both inside and outside the boundary spanning of a single firm? With the aim to stimulate answers to these questions, we launched a special issue of Mercati e Competitività on Technology, innovation and marketing. Coming challenges in an emerging new business landscape. In this introductory paper, we argue that the relationship between technological innovation and marketing is multifaceted and multidirectional. Thus, the paper proposes a conceptual framework to highlight the different perspectives through which this relationship can be investigated. In the last section, we present the different papers collected in the special issue and position these papers within the proposed conceptual framework.

Keywords: Technological innovation, marketing, multi-perspective analysis, consumer empowerment, co-creation, open innovation

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Nicoletta Buratti, Riccardo Lanzara, Michele Simoni, Technological innovation and marketing. a multi-perspective analysis in "MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ" 1/2016, pp 19-44, DOI: 10.3280/MC2016-001003