Food revolution and the multifunctional agricultural park in florentine plain

Author/s Daniela Poli
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/2
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 70-91 File size 665 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2016-002006
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Western cities are gradually reorganising as a consequence of the end of industrialisation and the crisis of agro-industrial model. Peri-urban areas are involved in redevelopment dynamics using innovative tools as multifunctional agricultural parks, which recently assumed a major ethical nuance in the wake of movements for food. The paper illustrates: the cornerstones of such a "great food revolution"; the centrality of peri-urban areas as the context where the issues of sustainability, food security and social justice, separated since long, are reconnected through the territorial dimension given to food policies; finally, the project Farming with Arno. Riverside Agricultural Park in the Florence Plain, in which these aspects have been approached in an integrated and multifunctional perspective based on negotiation.

Keywords: Food Planning, Food Sovereignty, Peri-urban Area, Governance, Multifunctionality, Agricultural Park

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Daniela Poli, Rivoluzione alimentare e parchi agricoli multifunzionali nella piana fiorentina in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 2/2016, pp 70-91, DOI: 10.3280/ES2016-002006