Lo zaino smarrito. Una riconsiderazione dei ricordi di copertura attraverso un caso clinico

Journal title PSICOANALISI
Author/s Luigi Ippedico
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/1
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 59-81 File size 239 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSI2016-001005
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The paper reviews the screen memory freudian’s concept starting from a psychoanalytic clinical case. It is highlighted how this and maybe other classical psychoanalysis concepts are neglected by some modern theories, denoting reductionistic tendencies. The clinical part shows as a patient’s screen memory, revealed at the beginning of analysis and related to his infancy, is linked with an enactment and a meaningful parapraxis (The Lost Backpack) in the unfolding clinical process.

Keywords: Difference between "memorie schermo", in Italian, and screen memories, enactment, two-person mode of thinking

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Luigi Ippedico, Lo zaino smarrito. Una riconsiderazione dei ricordi di copertura attraverso un caso clinico in "PSICOANALISI" 1/2016, pp 59-81, DOI: 10.3280/PSI2016-001005