Donne e padri. Manovre di intesa

Journal title TERAPIA FAMILIARE. Rivista interdisciplinare di ricerca ed intervento relazionale
Author/s Anna Mascellani
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/113
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 178-199 File size 119 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2017-113011
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This paper discusses modern perplexities on the figure of the father, going over couple and family social transformations during the second half of the last century. It is emphasized that the different types of complementarity existing between the members of the couple are always accompanied with different ways of being a father and couple complementarity is marked as a necessary landmark for children. It is highlighted as in present families the father is an even more necessary figure from both an emotional and responsibility point of view, since he is an essential member of the nuclear family’s relational field. Through the description of some clinical cases, the paper deals with the convocation of fathers in therapy, according to the therapeutic goals and, in particular, when the therapist is a woman. When involving a father, in addition to the risk of falling into dangerous collusion, the therapist must take care to clear the field from the prejudices that men have against women and psychotherapy, to jointly build a mutual respect relationship, essential to promote change.

Keywords: Fatherhood, couple, new parents, psychotherapy, parental child, female therapist.

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Anna Mascellani, Donne e padri. Manovre di intesa in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE. Rivista interdisciplinare di ricerca ed intervento relazionale" 113/2017, pp 178-199, DOI: 10.3280/TF2017-113011