Knowledge and competitiveness: the resilience of the dual district model

Author/s Marco Betti, Alberto Gherardini
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/2
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 104-120 File size 410 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2017-002010
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This paper focuses on the model of vocational training in industrial districts. Research is based on a case study, Prato, which is a paradigmatic example of industrial districts. A survey on firms having relations on vocational training with local secondary schools had been conducted. The aim of the survey is twofold: outlining the features of local schoolindustry relations, and understanding scenarios of the local vocational training system evolution, in accordance with the change of the socio-institutional context. Results show the presence of a hybrid model between the dual and the state-led vocational training paradigms present in the literature. In the dual district model the pivotal role of secondary schools in training is supported both by a network of strong informal ties with local firms and by a high degree of institutional cooperation at territorial level.

Keywords: Industrial Districts, Local Development, Vocational Training, School-Industry Relations

Jel codes: I25, J24, M51, Z13, R11

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Marco Betti, Alberto Gherardini, Tra conoscenza e competitività: le sfide del "modello duale distrettuale". il caso di Prato in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 2/2017, pp 104-120, DOI: 10.3280/ES2017-002010