Reflections on the Italian asylum system: ethnography meets clinical psychology at the health system

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Maria Concetta Segneri, Rosaria Gatta
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/2
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 161-181 File size 214 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2017-002009
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The authors, discuss on difficulties of applicants for/beneficiaries of international protection in the encounter with the Italian system, from 2011 to 2014. Ethnography, working with the clinical psychology, shows subjectivity hampered and changed by contexts of marginality, that is governed by hidden and unpunished control devices, and structural violence. Will emerge a correlation between suffering and critical issues of Roman asylum system.

Keywords: International protection, ethnography, clinical psychology, subjectivity, control devices, psychological suffering

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Maria Concetta Segneri, Rosaria Gatta, Riflessioni sul sistema di protezione italiano: l’etnografia incontra la psicologia clinica nel sistema sanitario in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 2/2017, pp 161-181, DOI: 10.3280/MM2017-002009