Renato Treves: methodology and action

Author/s Marco Quiroz Vitale, Enrico Damiani, Vergada Franzetti, Morris L. Ghezzi
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/2
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 71-80 File size 172 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2018-002004
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This essay begins by the Author’s personal memories of Renato Treves, well known as the founder of modern Sociology of law in Italy. In the context of a seminar dedicated to his mentor, prof. Ghezzi focusses on his life and thought. On the one hand, he highlights Treves’ methodology, based on the distinction between facts and values and aimed at preventing the risks of both absolutism and skepticism. Here, he gives special attention to the influence of José Ortega y Gasset and Theodor Geiger on Treves and to his affinity with such thinkers as Elías Díaz and Gregorio Peces-Barba, in view of promoting freedom, equality, democracy, and tolerance. On the other hand, the author highlights the impact of Treves’ thought, researches and academic initiatives upon reality, such as the role he played in the creation of the International Institute for Sociology of Law in Oñati and the indirect influence of his vision of fundamental rights on the framing of the Spanish Constitution of 1978.

Keywords: Renato Treves - Ricordi - Metodologia - Azione - Influenze

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Marco Quiroz Vitale, Enrico Damiani, Vergada Franzetti, Morris L. Ghezzi, Dossier. Renato Treves tra filosofia e sociologia, in Europa e America Latina / Renato Treves: metodologia ed azione in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2018, pp 71-80, DOI: 10.3280/SD2018-002004