Mental health services and chronification processes. Is asylum despondency still lurking behind community mental health practices?

Author/s Giuseppe Tibaldi
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/3
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 9-17 File size 1829 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSF2018-003002
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The term "chronification" was coined in the 1970s, during the period of radical critique of psychiatric asylums. It designates psychiatric practices that spawn "chronicity" (i.e. helpless and hopeless people, deprived of a future, immobilized in the timeless present of a total institution). International and Italian literature on community psychiatry regard chronicity as an intrinsic trait of psychiatric disorders, regardless of professional and service settings or practices. In this article, the author takes into account the chronification role of both the biological theories on severe mental disorders and the psychiatric practices - neither ability-based, nor projectoriented - that constitute the main obstacle to recovery.

Keywords: Hope, passiveness, recovery, chronification.

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Giuseppe Tibaldi, Il contributo dei servizi ai processi di cronicizzazione. Quali ombre del manicomio gravano ancora sulle pratiche della "nostra" psichiatria di comunità? in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 3/2018, pp 9-17, DOI: 10.3280/RSF2018-003002