The doctors in law and theology of the University of Catania in the eighteenth century

Author/s Daniele Opinto
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 74-81 File size 176 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASSO2019-001007
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The history of the University of Catania is inextricably linked with that of its students. In Sicily, Catania owned the power to give degrees for centuries, becoming the point of convergence for all the people who lived in the island. The contributions from the alumni is highly important as it shows where they were from and the dates of when they attended the University of Catania. It also depicts that results from the investigation about the graduates of Law and Theology in the XVIII Century.

Keywords: University, Catania, graduates, law, theology.

Daniele Opinto, I dottori in diritto e in teologia dell’Università di Catania nel XVIII secolo in "ARCHIVIO STORICO PER LA SICILIA ORIENTALE" 1/2019, pp 74-81, DOI: 10.3280/ASSO2019-001007