Trauma and reparation in a community struck by earthquake: a clinical dynamic interpretation for post-emergency intervention

Author/s Viviana Langher, Francesco Marchini, Daniele Brandimarte, Agnese Giacchetta, Andrea Caputo
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/3
Language Italian Pages 24 P. 98-121 File size 278 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2019-003006
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The present study aims at investigating the community adaptation strategies to an earth-quake according to a clinical-dynamic perspective. In particular, it aims at highlighting traumat-ic and reparative aspects of community in order to widely inform post-emergency interven-tions. A case-study conducted in an area affected by Central Italy earthquake was conducted in 2016-2017. Twenty-five key-figures were interviewed and their texts were analyzed through Emotional Text Analysis (Carli e Paniccia, 2002) utilizing T-lab software, according to a indi-vidual-context paradigm based on the construct of collusion intended as a socialization process of shared emotions within the same context. Five textual groupings were detected through cluster analysis and three factors, through multiple correspondence analysis, allowing the ex-planation of their relationships. Results from participants’ narratives, in summary, showed (a) a dynamic of anaclitic dependence to adapt to loss and abandonment feelings evoked by earth-quake, (b) a strategy of hypervigilance related to a post-traumatic core featured by anxiety and worry about survival, and (c) a splitting process regarding ambivalent feelings towards territo-ry perceived as threatening but also idealized. Conclusive reflections shed light on potential post-emergency intervention such as the role of institutions in leading to post-trauma recovery.

Keywords: Earthquake, trauma, community, territory, clinical psychology, case-study.

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