Professions in the Digital Age: Architects and Engineers Skills Updating in the Provinces of Udine and Pordenone

Author/s Augusto Cocorullo, Gabriele Giacomini
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/156
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 170-194 File size 284 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2020-156008
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The essay analyzes if, how much and how there is an aptitude for professional updating and digital training by engineers and architects of Udine and Pordenone Provinces, as a consequence of the structural changes that these professions have had due to the diffusion of the most modern digital technologies. Particular em-phasis was given to the role of training as a tool to ensure a productive encounter between the subjective professionals’ conditions and the objective territorial con-text situation. About that, the following aspects have been analyzed: strengths and weaknesses of new technologies; factors that influence new technologies’ adop-tion and the skills centrality; policies to improve the territorial context; the future of the profession between the network and specialization; the role of training in the new technologies adoption linked to the lifelong learning.

Keywords: Professions, skills updating, lifelong learning, digital technologies

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Augusto Cocorullo, Gabriele Giacomini, Professioni al tempo del digitale: l’aggiornamento delle competenze degli architetti e degli ingegneri nelle province di Udine e Pordenone in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 156/2020, pp 170-194, DOI: 10.3280/SL2020-156008