Differences and similarities between clinical and non-clinical families. A research with Faces IV

Author/s Enrico Visani, Camillo Loriedo, Santo Di Nuovo, Renato Menichincheri, Federica Seravelli, Claudia Agostino, Carla Ferrara
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/122
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 93-110 File size 213 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2020-122006
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Purpose. The present study aims to evaluate the differences in family functioning between non-clinical and clinical families samples; in the clinical families sample there is a member with a psychiatric disorder (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and a first episode at risk of psychosis). Methods. The non-clinical families sample consists of 50 families and the clinical sample of 60 families and for each family unit the data of both parents and a son were collected. The tools used were: a socio-demographic sheet, a clinical sheet for the clinical population and the Faces IV questionnaire validated in the Italian version. The Faces IV questionnaire evaluates family through 8 scales: Balanced cohesion, Balanced flexibility, Disengagement, Enmeshment, Rigidity, Disorganization, Communication and Satisfaction. Results. The comparison between non-clinical and clinical families in Global Family Functioning showed a smaller difference than expected; while values related to parental agreements, family perception by each member and single questionnaire scales values showed statistically significative differences. Conclusions: Clinical and non-clinical families evolutionary pathways follow different ways, even if the differences in global family functioning are less than expected.

Keywords: Faces IV, family research, family therapy, non clinical family, eating disorders, first psychotic disorders.

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Enrico Visani, Camillo Loriedo, Santo Di Nuovo, Renato Menichincheri, Federica Seravelli, Claudia Agostino, Carla Ferrara, Differenze e somiglianze fra famiglie cliniche e non cliniche. Uno studio con il Faces IV in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 122/2020, pp 93-110, DOI: 10.3280/TF2020-122006