Coworking spaces before and during the covid-19 pandemic: typologies, geography and effects

Author/s Ilaria Mariotti, Mina Akhavan
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/1
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 66-84 File size 362 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2021-001006
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Digital advancements have contributed to the rise of alternative solutions to traditional workplaces, such as coworking spaces, where self-employed workers, start-ups and small businesses can take advantage of social and professional interactions; to reduce the risks of isolation (particularly in the case of home working) and increase meeting opportunities. The Covid-19 pandemic has had negative impacts on coworking spaces: 21.76% of spaces in the world are closed, and 71.67% recorded a significant reduction in the number of users. In Italy, 59.15% of coworking spaces were closed in March and April 2020, while 36.62% of spaces remained open to essential activities. During the pandemic, the number of remote and home workers increased significantly, and the "proximity coworking" can represent an efficient workplace. Within this context, the current contribution aims to describe the typologies, geography, and main effects of the new workplaces pre- and during the pandemic, with a specific focus on the case of Italy.

Keywords: Coworking Spaces, Effects, Geography, Typologies, Covid-19 pandemic

Jel codes: J0, R1, R3

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Ilaria Mariotti, Mina Akhavan, Gli spazi di coworking prima e durante la pandemia covid-19: tipologie, geografia ed effetti in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 1/2021, pp 66-84, DOI: 10.3280/ES2021-001006