Poverty and wealth among working households in Italy: Three decades of cumulation of disadvantages

Author/s Marianna Filandri, Emanuela Struffolino
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/161
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 97-121 File size 453 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2021-161006
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The literature on in-work poverty has so far focused on household income as indi-cator of economic disadvantage. To grasp multidimensional economic hardship and social vulnerability of working poor households, this contribution considers the trends in the amount and in the composition of wealth between poor and non-poor families between 1991 and 2016 in Italy. Furthermore, we analysis the interaction between in-work poverty and wealth levels and components by age group over time. The results show that working poor families are also more likely to be less wealthy. The gap is larger for real assets and negative wealth. The wealth gap be-tween poor families for almost all wealth components has increased until 2006 and it reduces starting from 2012. This trend is mainly due to the increase and then to the decrease in wealth for non-poor households. Finally, we show that the asso-ciation between in-work poverty and low levels of wealth is stronger among younger families.

Keywords: Working Poor, Indagine sui Bilanci delle Famiglie, Wealth, In-work poverty

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Marianna Filandri, Emanuela Struffolino, Povertà e ricchezza tra le famiglie di lavoratori in Italia: trent’anni di svantaggio cumulativo in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 161/2021, pp 97-121, DOI: 10.3280/SL2021-161006