University gender responsive budgets: between productive and reproductive work

Author/s Giulia Arena
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/3
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 51-61 File size 184 KB
DOI 10.3280/SISS2022-003004
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FrancoAngeli is member of Publishers International Linking Association, Inc (PILA), a not-for-profit association which run the CrossRef service enabling links to and from online scholarly content.

This paper aims to analyse the different policy frameworks that currently exist with regard to the introduction of gender policies in academia, starting with the tool of gender budgeting. The hypothesis to be explored is whether a reclassification of the various existing frameworks is possible, while suggesting a reclassification based on four frameworks defined as: neoliberalism, gender mainstreaming, work-life balance and the capability approach. Using also as parameters some fundamental concepts present in the literature on the topic, such as agency and individual sense of well-being, the mix of these elements in each approach results in a different level of fatigue, which could play an important role in diminishing the effectiveness of gender equality measures themselves.

Keywords: gender budgets; gender equality in academia; work-life balance; leaking pipeline; gender policies; gender mainstreaming.

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Giulia Arena, Il bilancio di genere di ateneo come strumento di policy per la parità di genere in "SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI" 3/2022, pp 51-61, DOI: 10.3280/SISS2022-003004