Immergersi, trasformare, trasformarsi Un percorso di psicoterapia psicoanalitica a domicilio

Author/s Maria Miriam Mazzarella
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/1
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 164-176 File size 193 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSP2023-001011
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The author carries out therapeutic work at an ALS’ patient’s house, whilst taking into consideration the needs reported not only by the pa-tient, but also by the caregiver, his wife. The disease, due to different reasons, relegates the spouses to their house thus keeping them symbi-otically united and blocked, physically and psychically. This immobi-lization also involves the therapist needing a "third", a clinical intervision team, to help mobilize the impasse in which she finds herself. Both conscious and unconscious emotions, which are heard and received in a "different" place from the analytic field, permit to generate new thoughts and allow for significant evolution in the therapeutic process to take place. Thanks to this transformation of the analytic field, the patient, with the support of his wife, can start writing, allowing for the both of them to face and process what they have experienced and are experiencing. Throughout this work, the transformative potential of the tools acquired in the author’s training path will be high-lighted whilst being used in this delicate and complex therapeutic situation.

Keywords: ALS, analytic field, intervision, impasse, sensory, contro-transfert, transitional object.

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Maria Miriam Mazzarella, Immergersi, trasformare, trasformarsi Un percorso di psicoterapia psicoanalitica a domicilio in "PSICOTERAPIA PSICOANALITICA" 1/2023, pp 164-176, DOI: 10.3280/PSP2023-001011