The Notebook to reflect on the Meaning of Life. Guidance and values in the life project of young people with a migration background

Author/s Concetta La Rocca, Massimo Margottini
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 100-117 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/erp1-2023oa15881
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This work presents the use of the Notebook to Reflect on the Meaning of Life in the CPIA 2 e 3 (Provincial Centers for Adult Education) in Rome (Italy). The experience is part of the FARO (FAre Reti e Orientare – Make Networks and Guidance) Project, co-financed by the EU and the Italian Ministry of the Interior. The aim of the project is the construction of an integrated network to respond to the training and work needs of Third Countries citizens living in some Italian territories. Through the application of educational tools and methodologies, a connection was made between knowledge, skills, and metacognitive competencies. The Notebook to Reflect on the Meaning of Life fits into this framework and places the theme of reflection as a key development in young migrants of the awareness of being protagonists of their own educational and professional path. The Notebook is compiled on word files and is published online in a Google presentation. It consists of six pages, each of which contains specific exercises to reflect on the values and on the meaning of life. 50 young migrant students who attended CPIA courses were involved; the analysis of quantitative data showed that most of them were interested in the activities they joined under the guidance of the teachers. In addition, the summary of the work carried out by Bah – a young migrant girl from Congo who migrated to Italy one year ago – is reported; the link to Bah’s work is also available:

Keywords: ; Reflection; Life Values; Meaning of Life

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Concetta La Rocca, Massimo Margottini, Il Quaderno per riflettere sul Senso della Vita. Orientamento e valori nel progetto di vita di giovani con background migratorio in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 1/2023, pp 100-117, DOI: 10.3280/erp1-2023oa15881