Food Emotions: the three-session method in the treatment of Binge Eating Disorder

Journal title IPNOSI
Author/s Alessandra Moreschini, Nicolino Rago, Federica Volpi
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2023/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 43-56 File size 236 KB
DOI 10.3280/IPN2023-002003
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The model developed by Rago and Volpi (2021) is structured as an effec-tive method in the treatment of nicotine addiction, balancing between struc-tured intervention and tailoring on the patient's characteristics. It consists of three sessions: the data collection interview on which to base the tailoring, the Exploratory Bridge of the Future (PEF) and the third final session in which, with specific suggestions and re-associations, the transition towards change is structured. This contribution has explored the application of the model to eat-ing disorders, with particular reference to a sample of 14 patients with Bing Eating Disorder. The analysis of the results highlights interesting data about the applicability of the model to eating disorders and confirms the link be-tween these and affective dysregulation (measured with TAS-20).

Keywords: binge eating, hypnosis, alexithymia, dissociation, tailoring, pseu-do‐orientation in time.

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Alessandra Moreschini, Nicolino Rago, Federica Volpi, Emozioni Alimentari: il metodo delle tre sedute nel trattamento del Binge Eating Disorder in "IPNOSI" 2/2023, pp 43-56, DOI: 10.3280/IPN2023-002003