Urban garden between sustainability and participation: an exploratory study among municipal administration experiences in Veneto’s capital cities

Author/s Paolo Giardullo, Chiara Pozzato
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/133
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 117-138 File size 236 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2024-133008
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Urban gardens are valued for regenerating urban spaces and addressing planning needs. They promote a connection to the land, safeguarding it from excessive urbanization, and provide public spaces for collaboration. This study examines urban gardens initiated by Veneto’s capital cities’ municipal administrations, a context distinct from grassroots initiatives. Combining documentary analysis and field research, the study analyzes administrative documents to uncover objectives promoting sustainability, urban regeneration, and active citizenship. It explores the hypothesis that urban gardens foster environmental sustainability and participatory urban spaces. The research reveals instances of ambivalence between administrative intentions and on-the-ground realities, highlighting the challenges of implementing urban garden projects within public administration. This study contributes to understanding urban gardens as tools for regeneration and alternative planning, emphasizing the importance assigned by municipal administrations and the need to bridge the gap between intentions and implementation.

Keywords: urban gardens, public administration, environmental sustainability, sociality, community, social relations

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Paolo Giardullo, Chiara Pozzato, Orti urbani tra sostenibilità e partecipazione: un’esplorazione delle iniziative nei capoluoghi del Veneto in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 133/2024, pp 117-138, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2024-133008