Psychosomatics: A case of the Phoenix. Side notes on the paper by Francesco Bottaccioli & Anna Giulia Bottaccioli “Franz Alexander, a contemporary scientist: A new paradigm for psychology and medicine”

Author/s Mauro Fornaro
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 281-289 File size 59 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2024-002004
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Sixty years after the death of Franz Alexander, it is necessary to investigate what is alive and what is dead in his thought about psychosomatics, focusing in particular on the notions of emo-tion and vegetative neurosis as central to his model of explanation. It is then worth noting, in the light of the developments after Alexander, the today’s difficulty in supporting psychosomatics as an autonomous discipline, to the point of questioning the legitimacy of the expression itself: Bottaccioli & Bottaccioli’s (2024a) proposal to identify it with Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology (PNEI) must be measured in this problematic context. In any case, the always valid need remains, already supported by Alexander, for a unitary, “holistic” consideration of the hu-man being, sick and healthy. However, this is a paradigm that has to be justified and clarified conceptually in the actual role it plays as an inspirer of research and specific explanations.

Keywords: Definitions of psychosomatics; Franz Alexander; Bottaccioli; Vegetative neurosis; Emo-tion; Holistic paradigm

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Mauro Fornaro, Psicosomatica: un caso di araba fenice. Note a latere dell’articolo di F. Bottaccioli & A.G. Bottaccioli “Franz Alexander, uno scienziato contemporaneo: un nuovo paradigma per la psicologia e la medicina” in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 2/2024, pp 281-289, DOI: 10.3280/PU2024-002004