SNAI beyond SNAI. Planning practices for supporting the implementation of Documents of Strategy

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Daniela De Leo, Sara Altamore
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2023/106
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 101-110 File size 605 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2023-106013
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With reference to ongoing field experimentation work to support the drafting of an integrated, inter-municipal plan for one of the 72 Inner Areas (2014-20), important learnings seemed useful to support the future of the Inner Areas in this (for many Areas difficult) implementation phase. The work was conducted by the university and, therefore, it seemed important to share with the scientific community how this kind of initiative can (and perhaps should) be promoted and accompanied by the academy precisely with a sense of responsibility to this important public policy, as well as technical expertise to support the necessary planning activity.

Keywords: Inner Areas; urban and regional planning; public policies

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Daniela De Leo, Sara Altamore, La SNAI oltre la SNAI. Pianificare per favorire l’attuazione dei Documenti di Strategia in "TERRITORIO" 106/2023, pp 101-110, DOI: 10.3280/TR2023-106013