Greed and cupio dissolvi in the psychodiagnostic typologies of Anorexia

Author/s Maria Antonietta Fenu
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 31-47 File size 208 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSP2024-002003
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Analyzing the dreams of an anorexic girl and the free associations connected to them, the author contrasts the psychopathological greed’s implications with the unconscious motivations of an opposite style, ab-stinent and restrictive, where extreme control of oneself and impulses is seen as the ideal objective. The work takes the Kleinian model of the primary relationship as reference, but also raises a possible incidence of transgenerational trauma and therefore, to delve deeper into the genesis of this clinical area, it uses classical references, together with less well-known but documented and original contributions. The reflections on greed accompany the underlying theme of the work which aims to outline the structural characteristics of anorexia and offer a psychoanalytic approach towards the levels of internal suf-fering that the syndrome entails. In the end the author arrives at an original psychodiagnostics perspective that differentiates four types of Anorexia including subliminal Anorexia.

Keywords: transgenerational, abstinence, control, subliminal Anorexia.

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Maria Antonietta Fenu, Avidità e cupio dissolvi nelle tipologie psicodiagnostiche della Anoressia in "PSICOTERAPIA PSICOANALITICA" 2/2024, pp 31-47, DOI: 10.3280/PSP2024-002003