Migrations, thinking of oneself in movement through religion. Introduction

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Francesco Romizi, Francesca Lagomarsino
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/3
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 9-23 File size 240 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2024-003-001
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With a monographic issue on the religion-migration pair, declined on in-ternational research experiences, we aimed to deepen the existence of oth-er gazes that question this relationship from angles different and from a point of view of the transnational processes that run through them. Other gazes at both research locations, national groups considered, and local or transnational approaches. In addition, we tried to explore possible devel-opments in this field of study, induced both by its inherent transfor-mation and by new perspectives of researchers. In this sense, this dossier returns us a stimulating scenario, made up of confirmations and novelties. On the one hand, those approaches that rep-resent religion as a safe harbor within complex social, symbolic and iden-tity processes experienced by migrants in receiving societies are corrobo-rated; on the other, looks emerge that read religion as a navigational tool used in perpetually uncertain waters. In these latter studies, the re-searcher's gaze is not so much fixed on specific places and horizons, but follows the movements, not always consistent, of migrants, trying to identify the participation of religion and its practice, in these movements.

Keywords: Religious practices, ethnic churches, identity, transnational devotion.

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Francesco Romizi, Francesca Lagomarsino, Migrazioni, pensarsi in movimento attraverso la religione. Introduzione in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 3/2024, pp 9-23, DOI: 10.3280/MM2024-003-001