“Dios actuó en lo sobrenatural”: Religiosity as an interpretative Resource for Honduran migrant women returned with disabilities

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Roberto Marinucci, Tuila Botega, Barbara Marciano Marques
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/3
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 77-94 File size 254 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2024-003-005
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This article aims to analyze the role that religiosity plays in the reintegration of Honduran migrant women who have suffered accidents on the migratory route of the North-Mesoamerican corridor and have returned to their country of origin with a physical disability. The reflection is part of a broader study carried out by the Scalabrinian Center for Migration Studies in Brasilia, in collaboration with the Honduran Pastoral for Human Mobility (PMH), which focuses on the impact of disability and forced repatriation on the reconstruction of the subjectivity of Honduran migrant women. The results show how migrants use religious grammar to interpret and make sense of the events of the migratory transit. The religious grammar acts as a resource in process of “(re)integration” (“seguir adelante”) in Honduras and adds a new interpretative code which identify a “gift” and a new opportunity where others would see only failures.

Keywords: religion; disability; return; women; migratory route; reintegration.

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Roberto Marinucci, Tuila Botega, Barbara Marciano Marques, “Dios actuó en lo sobrenatural”: La religiosità come risorsa interpretativa di donne migranti honduregne ritornate con disabilità in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 3/2024, pp 77-94, DOI: 10.3280/MM2024-003-005