Peripheral diffusion and concentrations. The settlement dynamics of foreign residents in Bologna and Milan

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Maurizio Bergamaschi, Luca Daconto, Maria Grazia Montesano
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 151-168 File size 302 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2021-002009
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The article analyses the medium-period (2011-2018) location dynamics of the foreign resident population in Bologna and Milan. The aim is to understand the shared and specific features as well as the transformations of the residential pat-terns of foreign citizens in the two South-Europeans urban contexts. The statistical and spatial analysis of the most recent administrative data confirms the absence of urban segregation phenomena and highlights the trend towards the territorial diffusion of the foreign presence and the growing peripheral configuration of the areas with concentration of foreigners. The specificities of the two cases suggest the relevance of local factors to understand the foreigners’ settlement processes. After a brief review of the literature, the results of the diachronic analysis are pre-sented and, finally, it is stressed the contribution that the study provides to the debate on the residential patterns of foreign populations in Southern European urban contexts.

Keywords: residential patterns; foreigners; segregation; peripheralisation; Bologna, Milan.

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Maurizio Bergamaschi, Luca Daconto, Maria Grazia Montesano, Diffusione periferica e concentrazioni. La dinamica insediativa dei residenti stranieri a Bologna e Milano in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 2/2021, pp 151-168, DOI: 10.3280/MM2021-002009