Multicriteria Evaluation of Urban Regeneration Plans for Social Housing Neighbourhoods

Author/s Lidia Diappi, Camilla Mele
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/1 Suppl.
Language English Pages 23 P. 23-45 File size 5267 KB
DOI 10.3280/SCRE2014-S01002
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This paper presents a methodology to assess regeneration plans for social housing neighbourhoods through measurement of key performance indicators. This tool furnishes an integrated view of urban design principles, environment and energy saving, and social needs by means of the community’s participation in the decision-making process. The CMap tool and the ANP were useful in depicting the complexity of the links connecting objectives, targets and indicators. Interviews with the stakeholders and experts involved in regeneration plans established the bases for the assessment. The ANP was then applied to a public estate in Milan in order to evaluate two alternative Master Plans.

Keywords: Urban regeneration, analytic network process (ANP), project evaluation.

Jel codes: D78, R31, O22

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Lidia Diappi, Camilla Mele, Multicriteria Evaluation of Urban Regeneration Plans for Social Housing Neighbourhoods in "SCIENZE REGIONALI " 1 Suppl./2014, pp 23-45, DOI: 10.3280/SCRE2014-S01002