La consulenza nel contesto scolastico: una proposta di intervento sistemico con l’uso del sociogramma

Author/s Edoardo Perini
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/126
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 29-44 File size 100 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2021-126003
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Consulting in the school environment: the sociogram as a systemic intervention approach The author proposes a model of intervention in the field of school psychology, which is inspired by the systemic-relational approach. Through the exemplification of clinical cases, the importance of working at school in a preventive perspective is underlined. Taking into account the present in the school in which he operates and avoiding to contrast them, the school psychologist can use the instrument of convocation in a new way for the systemic-relational tradition, extending the invitation to meetings to the teachers and the school-manager. The author also underlines the importance of using the sociogram, an eco-map that integrates the classic systemic tools and allows to understand the horizontal interactions between classmates, offering a "global" vision on the subjective preferences of each pupil. Thus, the school psychologist has the opportunity to identify constraints and resources in the peer group and make a diagnosis of a pupil’s situation by comparing the history lived at school with the narratives reported to him during the consultation.

Keywords: school psychology; systemic-relational approach; sociogram; prevention; school hierarchies; school class.

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Edoardo Perini, La consulenza nel contesto scolastico: una proposta di intervento sistemico con l’uso del sociogramma in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 126/2021, pp 29-44, DOI: 10.3280/TF2021-126003