"We may have to wear high heel shoe". Critical aspects in the Italian gender quota regulation for private companies’ boards of directors

Author/s Joselle Dagnes
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/135
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 73-88 File size 114 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2014-135005
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This paper is a contribution to explore transformations in the governing body due to the introduction of gender quotas for Italian private company boards. Our aim is to outline the concrete implementation of the Italian quota law, highlighting obstacles, challenges and failure risks. We specifically focus on the perspective of the insider directors and on the impact of quota regulation on boards’ structural features, internal composition and overall quality, focusing on both positive and negative aspects.

Keywords: Board of directors, affirmative actions, gender quotas, corporate governance, power, informal regulation

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Joselle Dagnes, "Ci metteremo i tacchi a spillo". La (difficile) regolazione della rappresentanza di genere nei CdA delle imprese italiane in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 135/2014, pp 73-88, DOI: 10.3280/SL2014-135005