Risposta a René Rémond

Autori/Curatori Roberto Vivarelli
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2006/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 3 P. Dimensione file 22 KB
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The author polemizes with the definition of contemporary history given by René Rémond in the first number 2005 of «Mondo Contemporaneo». He argues that the word «contemporary», from a formal point of view, is nearly synonymous of the word «modern» and that Rémond’s idea of contemporary history as a mobile frontier until protagonists and witnesses survive, put the historian in a very drastic perspective of research. In fact it cuts off or it reduces the possibilities of looking deeper in the past to better understand the present. On the contrary contemporary history must be studied with broad horizons because actual issues are always interlinked with the past and we need a perspective able to connect them to it.;

Roberto Vivarelli, Risposta a René Rémond in "MONDO CONTEMPORANEO" 1/2006, pp , DOI: