La creazione di conoscenza e l'innovazione design-driven nei distretti allargati

Autori/Curatori Giorgio De Michelis
Anno di pubblicazione 2002 Fascicolo 2001/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. Dimensione file 80 KB
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In this paper I analyse knowledge creation processes within industrial districts (specifically, those relative to the "Made in Italy" industry), in order to understand on the one hand the way they innovate and on the other the links they establish with the outer world and in particular with other districts. My research presents two major findings: 1.Industrial districts are characterized by design-driven innovation, centring around the creation of both a new user profile and the services/products satisfying it. 2.Industrial districts link up with one another across regional and national boundaries to create networks of localized production systems (augmented districts). I also discuss the role of Information and Communication Technology with respect to the districts’ evolution.;

Giorgio De Michelis, La creazione di conoscenza e l'innovazione design-driven nei distretti allargati in "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI " 1/2001, pp , DOI: