La psicoanalisi e la famiglia tra passato e presente

Titolo Rivista INTERAZIONI
Autori/Curatori Diana Cirilli, Daniela De Berardinis, Ludovica Grassi, Vincenzo Ricciotti, (a cura di)
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 4 P. 7-10 Dimensione file 139 KB
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One particulary anything but rare fantasy in the children attrats the interest of the author of this written. To grow, to became large, are equivalent, in the mind of the child, to a reversal of their position regarding the own parents; they will became the parents and the parents will became children. Jones, after to have brought back a series of observations in such sense, he asks himself which it can be the explanation of a trought therefore quirky. Between the several possibilities he dwell upon the identification of the child with the ancestors, identification that it represents, not very rarely, the fruit of the constriction, from part of the parents, to put molding on just the son on the model of the own parents. The article is closed on the unavoidable consequences that the upsetting fantasy will have for the adult individual determining its attitude towards the children in general terms and towards the own children in particular.;

Diana Cirilli, Daniela De Berardinis, Ludovica Grassi, Vincenzo Ricciotti, (a cura di), La psicoanalisi e la famiglia tra passato e presente in "INTERAZIONI" 1/2007, pp 7-10, DOI: