Il fenomeno del Butterfly Effect nella matrice di Social Dreaming. Modelli di conduzione negli interventi transculturali e nelle organizzazioni

Titolo Rivista GRUPPI
Autori/Curatori Maurizio Gasseau, Marco Avena
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 14 P. 135-148 Dimensione file 205 KB
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The Social Dreaming Matrix can be considered an instrument of knowledge of the dreamer’s social and institutional environment or context through his own dream. Dreams shared in the Social Dreaming Matrix allow the dreamer and the participants a different perception that shows the unconscious and subconscious social, institutional and environmental contents that cannot be known and shared and that are not recognized in the culture or in the social context of the dreamer. The task for the participants in the group in the SDM is to share dreams and associations to dreams in a snow flakes or spiral setting. The possibility to use free associations and the amplification of other members to the dream, conceived like a specific form of thought for an image to grow out of a matrix process in the group, gives with the interpretative work of the conductor a new perception and more awareness of the social context. The SDM represents a social intercultural revaluation of the personal experience of the dream. In the dream matrix it is possible to find the archetypical shape of the collective unconscious where the social and institutional shadow and the phenomenon of synchronistic interdependence is shown, thus creating an increased knowledge of the dreamer and of the cultural and institutional environment. The Social Dreaming Matrix is a complex system where the Theory of Chaos can be useful to study the matrix group dynamic, especially the Butterfly effect phenomenon, in order to understand and to be more aware about the relation between the initial configuration and the developing of the dreaming matrix configuration. The theory of morphogenic fields is used to describe the articulation of the transpersonal processes inside the matrix. Key words: Social Dreaming Matrix, Holistic Approach, Chaos Theory, Free Associations, Butterfly Effect, Morphogenic Fields, Institutional Shadow.;

Maurizio Gasseau, Marco Avena, Il fenomeno del Butterfly Effect nella matrice di Social Dreaming. Modelli di conduzione negli interventi transculturali e nelle organizzazioni in "GRUPPI" 3/2007, pp 135-148, DOI: