La costruzione della memoria della "guerra pulita" sul fronte italiano: il processo Kesselring

Autori/Curatori von Lingen Kerstin
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/76
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 28 P. 53-80 Dimensione file 135 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2009-076003
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Topic of The Construction of the Memory of a "clean war" on the Italian front: the Kesselring trial - Is analysis of the trial against former German C-i-C Albert Kesselring, followed by a death sentence, and the subsequent public campaign aimed at his liberation, gives an explanation for the failure of British War Crimes Policy in Italy after 1945. The Kesselring trial and the clemency campaign in his favor are analyzed using the concept of deliberate memory formation politics. Particular emphasize is laid on German war memory, the public debate and the formation of a lobby defending accused war criminals. Kesselring’s escape from the death sentence was further facilitated by the Italian refusal to execute the field marshal for political considerations in view of imprisoned Italian war criminals awaiting trial in Yugoslavia. With the trials program in Italy abandoned, the whole British war crimes policy was changed as a consequence. An analysis of discord between the German Mediterranean Veterans shows that the unity behind the Clean War myth was only at front cover. Keywords: Germany, History, Second World War, War criminals, Memory. Parole chiave: Germania, Storia, Seconda guerra mondiale, Criminali di guerra, Memoria.;

von Lingen Kerstin, La costruzione della memoria della "guerra pulita" sul fronte italiano: il processo Kesselring in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 76/2009, pp 53-80, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2009-076003