Author/s Giorgo Gosetti
Publishing Year 2006 Issue 2004/94
Language Italian Pages 23 P. File size 62 KB
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Labour orienting and occupability: a theoretical-sociological frame Vocational guidance and occupability theme is faced initially through a contextualization inside transformations now acting in the labour world: changings inside production systems, changings in services, market, labour policies, organization, concepts and culture. Talking about labour orienting and occupability means referring to working people as well as people preparing to enter labour world or unemployed people. In this contribute they dedicate a particular and specific attention to young people, starting from a reflection about the characteristics of the relation between young people and work and about the meanings they give it. After this, they evidence some main aspects of the occupability concept, underling mostly the complexity of this concept, to confront, also from an operative point of view, through a multidimensional approach. Occupability dimensions, through which the concept can be developed under a theoretic profile and read in operative terms, with a particular attention to the inclusion and keeping into labour word of young people, could be considered in a sociological perspective of investigation of the relationship between individual and society. Finally, they underline some strategies and routes that could favour occupability that are not alternative ones but can be developed in an integrated form.
Giorgo Gosetti, Orientamenti al lavoro e occupabilità: un quadro di riferimento teorico-sociologico in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 94/2004, pp , DOI: