Democrazia popolare e democrazia autoritaria. Dal cartismo (1836-1848) all’Italicum (2015)

Author/s Gian Mario Bravo
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/20
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 20-39 File size 127 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2016-020004
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In the first half of the nineteenth century - in the UK - the Chartist movement linked the labor and class’ unrest to the achievement of universal suffrage and political democracy. By contrast, in Italy, the electoral laws engineered by the government of the center-left (2015) through the legislatve measure called Italicum distorts the purpose of the democratic tradition of the left and tends to replace the national political structure with an autocratic, authoritarian and caesaristic system.

Keywords: Popular democracy, Chartism, Universal suffrage, Jus Italicum, Society of the spectacle, Electoral laws [Constitutional reforms], Caesarism.

Gian Mario Bravo, Democrazia popolare e democrazia autoritaria. Dal cartismo (1836-1848) all’Italicum (2015) in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 20/2016, pp 20-39, DOI: 10.3280/HM2016-020004