Efectos del estilo interpersonal docente sobre el compromiso académico en futuros docentes. El rol mediador de la confianza y el esfuerzo académico

Journal title CADMO
Author/s José María Rubio-Valdivia, Ginés David López-García, Antonio Granero-Gallegos
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/2
Language Spanish Pages 19 P. 85-103 File size 240 KB
DOI 10.3280/CAD2022-002006
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The aim of present study was to analyze the mediating role of academic confidence and academic effort between teacher interpersonal style (i.e., autonomy support and controlling climate) and academic engagement. An observational, descriptive, crosssectional, and non-randomized design was used. Three hundred and thirty-two Master’s Degree students in Sec- ondary Education Teaching from several Andalusian universities aged be- tween 18 and 48 years (M = 24.49; SD = 4.76) participated in the study. The predictive relationships between the scales of interpersonal teaching style, academic self-concept and academic engagement were analyzed us- ing a path analysis model. The main results show that autonomy support has a direct and positive predictive effect on academic engagement. In ad- dition, the relevance of academic effort as a mediator for the positive prediction between autonomy support and engagement is highlighted. This study underlines the importance of autonomy support style as a facilitator and supporter of confidence, effort and academic engagement in the train- ing of future teachers.

Keywords: academic self-concept, Self-determination theory, student teacher, teacher training.

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José María Rubio-Valdivia, Ginés David López-García, Antonio Granero-Gallegos, Efectos del estilo interpersonal docente sobre el compromiso académico en futuros docentes. El rol mediador de la confianza y el esfuerzo académico in "CADMO" 2/2022, pp 85-103, DOI: 10.3280/CAD2022-002006