Dressing your soul: The role of brand engagement in self-concept

Autori/Curatori Valentina Mazzoli, Diletta Acuti, Raffaele Donvito, Eunju Ko
Anno di pubblicazione 2019 Fascicolo 2019/1
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 28 P. 75-102 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/mc1-2019oa7633
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The current study aims to contribute to the literature on brand engagement in self-concept (BESC). Supported by self-determination theory, a comprehensive model that explains the psychological drivers and consequences of BESC is tested. Based on a sample of 600 international highly engaged cosplayers, the results contribute to the literature on BESC by showing that extrinsic personal aspirations positively influence individuals’ propensity to include brands in their definition of themselves. The findings show that higher levels of extrinsic personal aspirations lead to higher BESC manifestations that in turn lead to greater brand loyalty and brand advocacy. Furthermore, the findings indicate that personal aspirations have an indirect effect on brand loyalty and brand advocacy through BESC. The managerial implications for fashion brands are discussed.

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Valentina Mazzoli, Diletta Acuti, Raffaele Donvito, Eunju Ko, Dressing your soul: The role of brand engagement in self-concept in "MERCATI & COMPETITIVITÀ" 1/2019, pp 75-102, DOI: 10.3280/mc1-2019oa7633